Motorcycle Accident Victims In Tarpon Springs
If you or a loved one has been involved in a Motorcycle accident in Tarpon Springs, please contact Andrew Stinnette Accident Attorneys immediately! In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Over 500 motorcyclists are killed in Florida each year – a mortality rate second only to California’s. Those who survive a motorcycle accident know that their life-changing effects can linger for years to come.
Motorcycle Accident Injury Recovery In Tarpon Springs
Because motorcycles do not provide the type of protection that a car or other vehicle would, serious injuries or death are, unfortunately, a common result – especially when the motorcycle collides with a much larger vehicle. The NHTSA reported that in 2008, over 5,000 motorcyclists were killed and nearly 100,000 injured in the United States. More than 9,000 motorcycle accidents occurred in Florida in 2012, and almost 1,700 in the Tarpon Springs and Tampa Bay area. Of the 1,700 motorcycle accidents that occurred in the Tarpon Springs and Tampa Bay area, more than 80% resulted in Personal Injury, totaling just under 1,600, and there were more than 75 fatally wounded.
MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS ARE UNIQUE You should understand that every motorcycle accident is different. Any number of factors could have contributed to the incident, including the negligence of another driver, poor roads, difficult weather conditions, poor visibility, or simpledriver error. Even an accident that appears to have been caused by one party may turn out to be the result of many different factors combined. It’s important not to place any blame or accept any responsibility before speaking to a knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorney who can explain your options. Stinnette Personal Injury Law are here to help so that you do not have to bear the burden of an accident alone.
Record All Evidence: Immediately write down everything you can remember about your accident, as time passes, important details may become unclear. Make sure to gather any witness information, and draw a diagram of the accident scene. Pictures can also be a very important way to document the scene, surrounding obstructions, as well as conditions at the time of the accident.
Contact Us: At Andrew Stinnette Auto Accident Attorney, we are not afraid to tackle the task of fighting for your rights. We have a strong track record of success in our personal injury cases, and we fight to get our clients the due compensation they deserve. Contact us today and find out how we can help you!